Thursday, May 5, 2011

I’ve Been There

So, when do you need a pan? D.J. Toal, VP of sales for Killarney Metals, shares an experience from his early labor years to illustrate the need for a drip pan:

"Imagine this, I have been there by the way, you are working on a head pulley of a belt conveyor. You're pulling apart a gearbox bearing plate over a working platform – in the air 30 feet that is -- open to the work area below with personnel traffic. You're hanging with safety straps under the box.

What happens when a wrench falls 30 feet onto the floor below? Stuff breaks. There is potential for injury, severe injury, to coworkers and other personnel when a wrench falls on their head from that height. When thinking safety pans start thinking broader. Just saying..."

So, would a pan help in this situation – you bet! Killarney Metals pans are useful for catching all kinds of Stuff. Safety involves catching more than oil and water; safety is what Killarney Metals Pans are all about. When you need to catch it, we have a pan for it. A Drip Pan is an essential tool.

Contact Killarney Metals for all your drip, drain and catch pan needs. Killarney Metals has your Safety Pans.